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  • Archives & Records

    The diocesan archive collects, organizes and preserves records and artifacts that have historical, legal and/or administrative value to the diocese and its parishes, institutions and people. Materials in the archive are made available to researchers as permitted by canon law, civil law and privacy considerations. The Chancellor oversees the archives.

    The Archivist maintains sacramental records of most of the closed parishes in the diocese and conducts searches for such records for individuals who are unsure of where they received the sacraments.

    Contact Information
    Phone: (815) 221-6100 

    View a list of Closed Parishes

  • Buildings & Properties

    The Buildings and Properties office serves the parishes, schools, and organizations within the Diocese of Joliet through assistance and oversight in all property and facilities related work. This includes construction, leases, farming, environmental issues, inspections, real estate, planning for future growth, vacant land, and any diocesan properties outside of parishes.

    Christopher Nye
    Director of Buildings and Properties
    Phone: (815) 221-6195

  • Chancellor

    David Salvato, JCD
    Phone: (815) 221-6148

    Maria Turone
    Administrative Assistant
    Phone: (815) 221-6118

    Letter of Suitability

    Visiting Priests

    Priests from other dioceses wishing to minister in the Diocese of Joliet must provide a letter of suitability.  Please direct the letter to the Chancellor, David Salvato, JCD, at, and copy Maria Turone at Please include the following information:

    • Name
    • Event (Mass, wedding, baptism, funeral, etc.) 
    • Date(s) of event
    • Location (Name of church, etc.)
    • Attestation to the good standing of the priest in his incardinated diocese (safe environment training etc.)
    Priests of the Diocese of Joliet

    Please submit your requests to David Salvato, JCD at, and copy Maria Turone at Safe environment VIRTUS accounts should be up-to-date. Letters of suitability are written no sooner than one month prior to the event unless otherwise requested by you. Please include the following information:

    • Name
    • Event (Mass, wedding, baptism, funeral, etc.)
    • Date(s) of event
    • Location (Destination diocese, Name of church, address, etc.)

    Papal Blessing

    Applications for papal blessings can be submitted to the Vatican at the following website:

    Papal Audience or Liturgical Celebration

    If you desire tickets for a papal audience or liturgical celebration in Rome, please follow this link to download the proper request form:

  • Communications

    The Department of Communications serves the bishop in communicating his messages and the mission of the Church to both internal and external audiences. The department also provides communication support to agencies, departments and parishes of the diocese.

  • Council of Catholic Women

    The Joliet Diocesan Council of Catholic Women was established in 1949 by the Most Reverend Martin D. McNamara, the first bishop of the Diocese of Joliet. 

    Mission Statement

    The Joliet Diocesan Council of Catholic Women acts through its affiliated organizations to support, empower, and educate Catholic Women in spirituality, leadership, and service. JDCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.

    More Information

  • Episcopal Vicar for Clergy

    The Episcopal Vicar for Priests is appointed by the Diocesan Bishop and serves as the Priest Personnel Director. He provides curial support to the Diocesan Bishop and to the Priest Personnel Board. He is an agent of the Diocesan Bishop ministering with the priests on the bishop’s behalf.

    The Episcopal Vicar for Clergy Office handles:

    • Priest personnel matters
    • Extern priests
    • Immigration issues for priests
    • Pastoral care and support of priests
    • Parishioner concerns involving priests

    Priest Personnel Board

    The Priest Personnel Board is a consultive body that advises the Diocesan Bishop on matters that involve the priests of the diocese, such as:

    • The assignments of priests after a careful consideration of the priest’s ministerial skills and the pastoral needs of a given parish/ministry.

    • Participate in strategic planning when it involves the placement of priests.
    • The development of policies which affect the life and ministry of priests.
    • Recommendations to the Bishop on the management of priest personnel issues (excluding child protection matters).

    Very Rev. Dennis Spies
    16555 Weber Road

    Crest Hill, IL 60403
(815) 221-6184

  • Finance Council

    Phone: (815) 221-6100

    Brian Schroeder
    Chief Financial Officer

    Dorothy Vodicka
    Administrative Assistant

    Finance Council Meeting Agendas and Table of Contents

  • Finance Office

    The Finance Office assists the Bishop, his staff and others responsible for the temporalities of the Diocese to fulfill the diocesan mission. Responsibilities include accounting, investment management, financial analysis, budgetary management, and oversight of parishes and schools.

    Phone: (815) 221-6100

    Brian Schroeder
    Chief Financial Officer

    Jeannette Bartosz
    Director of Diocesan Finance

    Lisa Slattery
    Director of Parish Finance

  • Human Resources
  • Insurance

    Catholic Mutual provides property, liability, and employee benefit coverage and related services for the Diocese of Joliet. 

    General Office Phone: (815) 221-6228

    Stephen Reisel
    Claims Manager + Property/Casualty
    Phone: (815) 221-6226

    Diane Schultz
    Workers' Compensation
    Phone: (815) 221-6227

    Enid Davila
    Administrative Assistant
    Phone: (815) 221-6228

  • Tribunal

    Phone: (815) 722-2256

    Very Rev. Grzegorz P. Podwysocki, JCL
    Judicial Vicar

    David Salvato, JCD
    Moderator of the Tribunal
    Phone: (815) 221-6148
    *The day-to-day operation of the Tribunal is handled by David Salvato. Please send any requests to him.

    Thomas Kerber, JCL
    Ecclesiastical Judge
    Phone: (815) 221-6161 

    Sr. Dominic Dybel, OSF
    Ecclesiastical Advocate
    Phone: (815) 221-6168

    Hope Dick
    Ecclesiastical Advocate/Administrative Assistant
    Phone: (815) 221-6163

    Angelica Moore
    Ecclesiastical Notary/Administrative Assistant
    Phone: (815) 221-6167

    Annulment FAQs