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Catholic Grandparents Association Speaker

  • Who Will Take Care of Me When I Am Old? Featuring renowned author Joy Loverde. Everyone ages differently, and navigating the future is as important for older adults as it is for their adult children. Join us for an impactful in-person event aimed at arming you with the information you need. Living Well means Planning Well. Upbeat, educational, and highly interactive, Joy's presentation will offer tips on aging well and strategies to safeguard your quality of life. Hosted by the Catholic Grandparents Ministry at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.
  • Location: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, 8404 Cass Ave., Darien, IL 60561
  • Time: Check-in & refreshments 9:30am, presentation 10-11:30am
  • Advance registration required. Email [email protected] to register, deadline March 10.
  • Tickets are $35 pp; space is limited. Attendees will recieve a complementary signed copy of Joy's book.
  • Download the Poster here!

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