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Laudato Si'

Laudato Si'

Laudato Si' Action Plan

In 2015, Pope Francis released his seminal encyclical, Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home, which is an open invitation to all people everywhere to care for Earth as our common home, created by God. The Holy Father writes about our dependency on each other and on Earth, which sustains us. He teaches that because we are all God’s creation, we are connected locally, nationally, and internationally with each other and with our environment.

Our diocese has published an action plan, with ways, small and big, that members of our community can live out this encyclical:

Laudato Si' Action Plan

Laudato Si' Committee

We also have an active Laudato Si' Committee, whose mission is to develop a comprehensive approach to care for creation and the implementation of Laudato Si' through education, pastoral support, advocacy, care for the poor and vulnerable, environmental justice, and fostering community.

To learn more about upcoming events, join our e-mail list and follow us on Facebook.

Additional Resources

For more information or to get involved, contact:

Justin Reyes
Director of the Department of Catechesis and Evangelization
(815) 221-6150
[email protected]